Friday, October 29, 2010

Busy, busy, busy!

Our classroom has been so busy lately!  
Although we're full of energy and trying to spend as much time in the autumn sunshine as possible, when we have inside work time
 the children are happy to choose materials from off the shelf and are amazing us with their long attention spans.  We've also had several fun enrichment activities including: gymnastics with Jeff, yoga with Becky (pictured in this group of photos), and Spanish with Rayma and Pablo.  You'll find a slideshow at the bottom of this run of photos that includes several more in-class photos and all the pictures from the firefighters visit.
Enjoy and Happy Halloween!

Rowan builds the pink tower.

Puppet show.

Gabby, Ayla and Malloch all challenge themselves with the hundreds board.

Jeremiah painting.

Layla and Malcolm work together.

Darra and Tristan work with the hanging bead frames.

Yoga with Becky.

Story time.

Taylor works with a practical life material.

Rowan and Gabby get creative with the pink tower and blocks.

Teague using Wedgits.

Noah cleaned up the sand box!

   The last couple of weeks in class.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Fall has arrived!


Mia using the alphabet Instalearn.

Sophia M. traces words.

Fun with blocks for Malloch, Darra and Dashe.

Teague and Rowan build with Wedgits.

Pippa's work.

Stella's mom brings her pony to school and Mia and Pippa take their turn .


Noah working with Wedgits.

Nina Eckblad spends time in our classroom every Wednesday. She and Gabby complete the hanging bead counting frames.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Here are all of the photos from the classroom this last week, including those with Jeff for gymnastics!
Hello Everyone!

As you can see we've been very busy, both in the classroom and outside.  Our trip to the fish hatchery was so great and we have plenty of fun shots feeding the fish and observing the beaver.  Then to top the week off we went to the soccer field (ice rink) for some ball kicking, which was a blast!  In the classroom we've had some really amazing days of contented learners trying everything from off the shelves.  Our classroom just seems to hum with activity.
This last week we enjoyed having Jeff come to the school to practice gymnastics with us. Unfortunately I haven't quite got the hang of putting a slideshow on the blog so I'm hoping to get some help and have it up there by next week.  Then you'll see all the fun photos of your children attempting mule kicks and skipping across the yard. We hope you enjoy this new crop of photos!

Sandy and Anna

Our classroom at work!

Taylor building with the pink tower.

Tristan builds with Wedgits.


Rowan painting.

Teague creating with Wedgits.

Soccer Day!

We had a great time kicking the balls around!

Dress up with kinder visitors.

Painting with apples and rollers.

Garrett and Rowan sweep up buttons.

Sophia B. was inspiring with the knobless cylinders.

Ayla uses the whole page and all the colors of the rainbow.

Sophia M. works with knobbed cylinders.

Mia making faces.

Mystery bag games.

Teague, Rowan and Chicane were heading for Seattle on the train.

Goodbye Garrett!
We enjoyed having you in our classroom for the past 2 weeks!