Monday, January 31, 2011

Back to school.

Well, It's been a while since we've updated the blog.  But we've got a great new bunch of photos to share with you.  The children are happily back at school and full of energy!  


Rayma tells a virtue story.

All Aboard!  The trains have been coming through our classroom frequently this winter.

Crafters hard at work.

Darra gets creative with block building.

Garrett is here for a short while again.  He and Layla go fishing together.

Sandy talks about her crystal collection.  Amazing!

Madeline visits for the day.

A two tongued, four eyed Jeremiah.

Mia works on pin pricking her name.

Teague and Pippa build a block tower.

Darra and Jeremiah work with materials from the practical life shelf.

Anna's last day :(

The children were super excited to give Anna her gift they all made together.

Kim made sweet treats that we all enjoyed. 

Monday, December 6, 2010

December is here.

We've got some pretty active preschoolers enjoying both inside and outside school time.
Enjoy this group of photos.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Fall into winter.....

As the days get colder we spend a little more time inside.  There's been lots of active learning and 
extra-curricular participation with gymnastics and yoga (not pictured here).  Enjoy our latest batch of photos of your happy kids!

Jeremiah uses the dress up.

Pippa and Tristan work together with the rainbow arches puzzle.

Rowan completes the colored bead hanging frame.

Gabby, Chicane and Pippa use my camera to take photos of the classroom and each other.


Outside Play.

Fitness man joins us for gymnastics when Jeff leaves!

Mia uses the spindle counting trays.

Malcolm and Pippa complete the trinomial cube.


Ayla's 5th birthday celebration!

Circle time name tracing.

Jeremiah and Tristan finish the rhyming puzzle.